The True Word
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This controversial new book by Frank Overholt challenges the reader to reexamine his or her religious beliefs by bringing out incontrovertable truths directly from the word of God. It is called God's Purpose for Mankind on Earth, and it will change your life.

Once you've read that, if you want to know more about how to renew your mind and the salvation of your soul, read Intense Soul Transformation.

All writings on this site are available to you, completely free of charge. You may freely distribute them for the purpose of spreading the gospel.

A note from Frank Overholt:

If you would like to respond by e-mail I will not return a response unless you request it. I have no regular mailing list; however if God leads me or if I see the need to do so I will start one. I receive no offerings and I have given no place to send them to. If you think God would like you to send one you must e-mail a request for an address to send it to; all offerings are not tax exempt.

All my books are open copy writ and entirely free. You may copy, reproduce, and or transcribe any or all my books for the spread of the gospel. You may sell any book you reproduce; but you may not copyright it. Any proceeds of any material you sell are yours to keep; and no re-imbursement to me is required.

My total desire is the spread of the gospel; God meets all my needs; I do not however want to deny you the blessing of giving if you so desire.

A note from Jonathan Overholt, Frank's grandson: I helped my grandfather put this site together years ago and hosted it for him until he passed on in December of 2019. He is missed by his family and friends, at home and abroad. I will keep hosting this site to keep his work alive because I think it's what he would want. I have, however, removed his email address from all of the pages.