Manifested Sons of God


What is a manifested son of God?  When a person is born again that person becomes a son of God (even the women).  If you were to examine the life of a new believer you would see some changes where God rules; but not all of their life would manifest God’s control; but if a new believer grows normally than more and more of their life will manifest God’s control.  God’s will is that all born again believers (Christians) manifest His Name on earth; but knowing that not all His people will manifest His Name He predestinated those He foreknew to enter the high calling and to manifest only His Name in this last day.

For those of us who only want to manifest God’s Name on earth we must submit to His will and forsake our own will: coffee, tea, alcohol, sodas, are not wrong in themselves; but are we driven by our lusts to consume them?  Do we only eat what we desire rather than what is set before us?  Are we driven to over eat?  Are we content to eat what is set before us?  Are we being led by God?  Let each examine ourselves than let us strive to be led by God.

Paul says in Philippians 4: 11-13, I have learned to be content in all things: he would be happy with beans or steak; a tent or a mansion; a scooter or a Lincoln; hungry or full he could do all things through Christ who strengthens him, can we?

Not all Christians can receive these sayings let him that can receive it, receive it.

Jesus said in John 17: 6, “I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world”.  Romans 8:18-23 say that all creation is waiting for the manifested sons of God to set them free and to bring them into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

When Jesus was twelve years old His wisdom confounded the doctors of the law and He thought His Father’s business was to correct the errors of the doctors of the law; but God’s real business for Jesus was just to submit to His parents to age thirty.  When Jesus was thirty years old He was baptized than the heavens were opened to Him and He realized He could do only those things He saw His Father do.

Jesus did only those things He saw His Father do and it was at that time He only manifested His Father’s Name.

Many of God’s people do the works that they figured out with their own mind by study of the Bible and other good books not knowing that those works are not the Father’s works but only self righteousness; but if they learn (as Jesus did at 12 years of age) what the Father’s real will for them is than they can be set on the high road to manifested sonship.

Our own works: the best we can do is only wood and the worst we can do is only stubble it will not last; but only burn in the judgment fires at the end.  Our works done at the direction and power of the Holy Spirit gold, silver, and precious stones will only be purified further by the judgment fires at the end 1 Corinthians 3; however all God’s people will ultimately be saved even though their works may burn up.

So how can we become a Manifested Son of God?  All the things we do at God’s command cause us to manifest God’s Name; but till we are born again in our souls we will not always manifest God’s Name on Earth.

So how can we be born again in our souls?  1 Peter 1: 9 says, “Receiving the end of your Faith, even the salvation of your souls”.  1 Peter 1: 13 says, “Gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Christ formed in us).  1 Peter 1: 23 says, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever”.  1 Peter 1: 9, 13, and 23 all are in the present tense and therefore speak of the salvation of the soul; almost the whole text of this chapter speaks about the salvation of the soul; when God has a people who keep this chapter He will have a people who will manifest His name in the earth.

Our job is just to do what God says and God’s job is to cause Christ to be formed in us (born again souls).  Malachi 3: 1 says, “The Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to His temple (Christ formed in us).  Our job is just to do what He says and He will not fail to do His part at the right time.

Frank Overholt,, and address all questions to me at: